Detroit Equity Inc.
Championing Data-Driven Solutions to Boost Equity & Inclusion in Detroit
Ensuring Detroit’s Comeback Is for EVERY Detroiter
Detroit Equity Inc. (DEI) works with Detroit’s corporate community, using data to develop solutions that help disadvantaged communities break the cycle of generational poverty and access economic mobility. Our consulting services target four outcomes:

Increase the number of Detroiters and People of Color represented in Detroit’s workforce
Connect Detroit-based and minority-owned businesses to procurement and supplier opportunities
Grow the number of Detroiters and People of Color in the pipeline for executive leadership positions and board memberships
Champion the development and sharing of Detroit-specific research and best practices in the diversity, equity and inclusion field

Equity Gaps Persist for Detroit's Black Community
Below the poverty line compared with 13.4% for Detroit Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and 12.8% U.S. average.
Median household income compared with $67,153 for Detroit MSA and $69,717 U.S. average.
Adults aged 25+ with bachelor's degree or higher compared with 34.2% for Detroit MSA and 35% U.S. average.
Home ownership compared with 71.4% for Detroit MSA and 65.4% U.S. average.
Source: Detroit Regional Chamber: U.S Census Bureau, 2021 American Community Survey.
DEI’s 2022 Detroit Equity Report explains how decades of discriminatory lending practices thwarted the economic potential of Detroit families and highlights additional statistics that call attention to persistent equity gaps for Black Detroiters.
Strong Philanthropic, Corporate & Civic Support
DEI proudly collaborates with a strong base of founding and community partners, including Wayne State University’s Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights, Huntington Bank, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, DTE Foundation, City of Detroit, The Kresge Foundation and Henry Ford Health.
Find out more about ways to collaborate with DEI to help drive equity and inclusion in our community.